Happy New Year!!! I hope you all had a relaxing and blessed
holiday season! I just wanted to send out a heartfelt thank you for all the
wonderful cards, pictures, gifts, and goodies I received from you and your
children. I am truly grateful for your generosity and kindness. 

Your kiddos had a fabulous day today! I was proud of the way
they got back into the routine and flow of the day. Thanks for helping them get plenty of rest before school. 

I wanted to remind you that the December Homework Log Sheet is due. I collected a few log sheets that came into day. I will be collecting the rest tomorrow, so in case you needed to total up the time they read/worked on
math facts, I would give you tonight to get that ready. Thanks for helping with

I think that is it for now. Thanks again for all you do to help
your child succeed in learning! 

Julie Buck